Exporting model with multiple colours for Bambu Lab P1S with multicolour AMS

I’ve been using Shapr3D for a while with a single colour 3D printer but having recently purchased a Bamboo Lab P1S with the multi filament AMS system I can now print models in multiple colours.
If I design a model in Shapr I can add colours in the visualiser but is it possible to export the model while retaining the different colours for printing? The slicer software just sees the model as 1 single colour when I import. I’ve tried as 3MF and STL.
I’ve kept the model as separate bodies when exporting but that didn’t help either.

STL and 3MF as far as I know doesn’t store material, color data inside the file.

You can save it as OBJ and import it Bambu Slicer model will have color.

You should get this popup in Bambu.


3MF Will store materials selected, but these are more machine profile confits than object colours. You’re better off having the model as seperate objects and then go through and select the filament slot in bambu studio.

There is no direct reference between the colour selected in shapr3d and the filament slot in bambu studio. Having the colours in shapr3d will help in setting the filament for the object.

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From some quick tests this seems to be the answer. Thanks!

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I exported as an obj and that maintained colour options.