Fillets not working

so when i create my basic model and run a validation on it in freeCAD everything is fine

once i go and add fillets to the model I am getting invalid curve on surface error messages.

why is this happening??? its very frustrating, so much as i can tell there is absolutely no reason for the added fillets to create some errors… wondering if there is a bug in shapr ipad app that is causing this?

attached is the file with no fillets and also the same file with fillets
Hybrid liner V1 vice fillets.shapr (65.5 KB)
Hybrid liner V1 vice plain.shapr (64.5 KB)

Hi @Shyam, you get the error message in FreeCAD right? What format did you use to transfer the files?

yes errors are showing in freeCAD, i exported the file as STEP file then opened the STEP up and ran a validation.

hmm. Interesting, because STEP files exported from Shapr3D do not contain any curves. Only the 3D bodies are exported.
Can you please upload the error message?

By the way, is there any specific feature that makes transferring your files to FreeCAD from Shapr3D necessary?

attached is the error message window.

i also just noticed that i am getting an empty shape error

reason why i am exporting STEP file is that I am sending the models out to be produced by CNC company. I am fairly new to the CNC world but until now i have just made a model in shapr, exported the STEP file and then sent it off to my CNC manufacturer… until now this workflow has caused no issues… is there a better way to do this?

the CNC technician says he unable to work with the files because he is seeing “leakage” issues when he validates the file in MasterCAD… however he hasnt given me any further information… so i am just trying to get a model that will give no error messages in FreeCAD (its only CAD software i have)… im hoping that if i can manage that then he also wont get any errors… FreeCAD is however not mentioning anything about leakages