"How many components can I draw in a single file using iPad Pro 11 4th generation?"

“How many components can I draw in a single file using iPad Pro 11 4th generation?”

There is no strict limitation. It depends on lots of things, especially the complexity of the individual components.

In general, you can create as many as the device’s available memory can handle. It could be 1 extremely complex part, or 10.000 simple cubes etc.


Take a look at this post to get an example. Twin Biomass Boiler House in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

As Laci says, it is entirely dependent on the complexity of your objects AND also greatly dependent on your iPad spec, because the 1 TB + models have DOUBLE the ram.
Here is my experience…I got to 13,000 bodies on my current project on a M1 8 GB ram iPad Pro, but had to pare it down a bit (had a bunch of duplicates in an “extras” folder) because I was getting lots of crashes and it couldn’t publish to the Web Viewer because of “lack of sufficient ram” (yes it actually said that).
I could only do certain operations on my desktop PC.
Currently stable at just under 10,000 bodies.
I am FAR from finishing adding bodies to the project…so a 16 GB ram iPad is on it’s way! :partying_face:

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