Two fingers select objects, making operation difficult. Can I change this in settings?
I have used Shapr3D for about five years since 2020.
This morning, I noticed that two fingers now select objects. Was this updated?
Before, fingers only moved the view, and only Apple Pencil could select faces or objects.
I want to disable object selection with fingers.
Hello and welcome.
What Navigation Presets have choose in Shapr3d > Settings.
If the problem persists, use BetterTouchTool to configure your navigation. I use it and it is very convenient.
Hello, thank you for your response.
Navigation Presets use default.
Tried again earlier, but could not select object with finger.
Seems like problem with my iPad Pro or Apple Pencil. Maybe temporary? Device might have mistaken finger touch for Apple Pencil.
Shaper3D update did not make object selection possible with finger, right?
You can double tap with finger to select a face.
It is normal behavior.
Two fingers select object, so it is problem.
Seeing everyone’s reaction, I think it is not update change but problem with my Apple Pencil and iPad only.
On Mac, control + 2 fingers move the object without select it.
Idem with 1 finger.