How to speed up work

Hello, I am a Building engineer student that really like shaper 3d for 3d printing and small object, now I have start using it for planing houses and do detailed construction plans on a house. it work pretty good in the beginning but now, when I have almost finished, the workflow is really slow, all moment take long time and it take a lot of time to open the project. ( around 2400pieces in the project) my computer is a MacBook Pro M1 Pro, 16gb 16", is that the problem? or is there a solution to make the object/ project easier to handel for the computer / shaper3d?

I would duplicate the project and do a merge history to see if that speed things up.

If that doesn’t help export the house as a common format like STEP or Parasolid and import as a new project.

If the project is still too big I would consider dividing the house and working on just individual room, floor etc…

I have the cheapest M1 Mac with 8gig of ram and can accomplish most of my architectural projects by do it the method I mentioned.