Importing SKP over Fusion fails

I am trying to import a SKP file to shapr3d using fusion as a bridge. That does not seem to work. I tried step and iges, both without luck. I also tried just a part of the original file in a new fusion project - also without success. Fusion shows all parts fine.

The files are test files (acutally something for my wife for testing purposes … ) and i (tried) to attached the original and the exported.

Since new users are not allowed i can send the via mail if someone can take a look at it.

Thank you very much!

When you import SKP files it imports it as mesh file so when you save it STEP or IGES you get import error in Shapr.

You will need to convert mesh in Fusion.

Thx that makes sense (well not rly - but different question) and does work.
Thank you very much!