Is ideal loft even possible?

As part of my Shapr3D learning journey, I decided to try to recreate some nontrivial shape from scratch. I randomly found a picture of some 3D object and started designing the model.
But it seems like I either lack experience (in both Shapr3D and 3D modeling actually :slight_smile:) or Shapr3D isn’t ready for that (yet?).
I’ve attached both reference picture and my current state of the model. You can see that I stuck at “filling” the middle of the cloud. The challenge is to make the model as smooth as possible. All adjacent faces must be tangent to each other. You can see that the edges of the cloud are practically mathematically correct right now (am I going too hard?).
The main issue I have is that I can’t make loft smooth whatever I do. g1 connectivity is successful very rare. g2 — simply never. Adding more tangent curves at the top and using them as guiding edges for internal lofts does not work almost always — all kinds of errors.
Could you advise me on the approach I should try with this? It is for sure possible, that I need to start from scratch.

P.S. I can reproduce the shape in Blender relatively easy with metaballs and some vertex aligning and positioning, but I’d like to be able to recreate such a simple(?) shape in CAD-like software as well.
Cloud2 (1).shapr (265.9 KB)

I would keep it simple by enlarging the spheres so they intersect and use fillet radius throughout. Here’s a Q&D approach. After all…it is a cloud.

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For Blender users there is a cool add-on.

Blender to IGES. Blender Add-on Export To IGES - #2 by pafurijaz - Released Scripts and Themes - Blender Artists Community

It converts Subdivision surfaces to a 3d CAD format like IGES.