Is this possible? Tricky issue

I am trying to “wrap” the star shape around the ball so that it is curved or cupped, but then get rid of the ball. I tried Replace Face, but it wouldn’t let me do that. Any ideas?

Unfortunately, Shapr3D has no wrapping function.
However, you can (if the cross is smaller than the ball) use projection (it will project 2D) and project the cross onto the ball, then simply extrude the projected geometry.


I tried that, but it stays connected to the ball. Do I extrude it down through the ball? I was trying to extrude up.

You need to select the extrusion as a new body.

Actually, I don’t get the option to extrude the projected shape. I can only select “offset”, which extrudes it, but keeps it connected to the ball.

Sorry, I just noticed that this doesn’t work in beta!
Are you working with beta or the public version?

It’s not beta. I have the paid pro version.

Here is a solution as a video:
Since 2D is projected here, there is of course a distortion.
As opposed to a true wrapping function:


Perfect, thanks!