Multi - tasking - multi threading - and managing complex designs

I have a request regarding file management.
It is a real pity that whenever you manage a file (import, export, save etc) Shapr3d is waiting on completion. it doesn’t matter how many cpu-kernels are available, you have to wait (and in complex situations executing an import may take a long time).
So, could we see in the near future an update that fully utilizes multi cpu systems?

Second request is that I would really like an easy way of seprating designs that have grown too much.
I already use folders and sub-folders but opening and closing complex designs can take (even on my not to slow Windows system) 10 miniutes or more. I would like to export part of it into s3d format, but the export function only does allow you to export the complete design.
I have put this under the windows part of the forum, but I also use an iPad Pro and for that I would have the same requests.


We are actively working on various ways to improve app performance, including multithreading. We will release a version with improved load processing time for complex workspaces within a month.

Folders in designs are something we want to do, but there is no ETA yet.


Great news. Hope to see specifically the folder design structure asap.

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