My records about Shapr 3D OS X beta

i am on mac book pro 16, touchpad
welcome part 4/10. cannot draw line more then one “part”. if i press backspace - no able to draw new at all
5/10 - arrow for left-right arrows (for rotate) not works

try to draw something

  • i cannot set dimensions of selected object by just pressing numbers (as told on welcome part). i need to click first on digits and then press numbers.

Lets do my favorite tools - subtract :wink: when one object plane is on the same plane on other object

on ipad engine blame me that is impossible :wink: see my request to support from 4 dec

Sorry, i cannot upload shapr file as iam new user :wink:

and again engine cannot make what i want :wink: (no done button)

i check that nothing should prevent to cut one piece from other, but engine is blocking me …

intersect does not work too