New M2 iPad Pro “Choose your modeling setup”

I just received my new M2 iPad Pro and I’m trying to work with a file in Shapr3D. As soon as I touch pencil to screen (I don’t have a keyboard) I get the “Pointer detected. Choose your modeling setup” popup. Neither of the choices are appropriate, and neither work for me, and the app won’t let me proceed without making a choice. So I’m basically unable to use the app. How do I fix this?

Please update to the latest version, we’ve just released a fix for this issue.

Thanks, that did it!

Apple’s App Store is kind of screwed up. I checked it for updates and the search results screen just showed Open for this app (which implies no update), but if you click on the app for details, it shows an update is available. I’ve seen this before with other apps. But I thought that when you were setting up a new iPad, it always fetched the most recent version. Apparently not.

Yes, there is a lot that could be improved in the store. :slight_smile: