New update introducing glitches to navigation


Since that last 2 updates to the standard non-beta version, I’ve been experiencing micro stutters when navigating around the model. This didn’t happen previously. I wonder have you introduced changes from the beta which are affecting the live system, as I know the same happens in the beta version.

Mac OS Sonoma 14.4
M2 Pro
16Gb Ram

All other apps closed.

I’ve tried to show the stutters, but they’re worse in person.

It glitches after selecting a plane and navigating. I have tried low quality render too.

I’m happy to assist where I can to get my experience back to smooth.

Edit: Also when did this flashing start?

Thanks for the report. Just to confirm: this stuttering is not happening without the selection? So if you’d do the same 3D movement without selecting a face before that, everything goes smoothly as before?

Hi Peter,

Confirmed. Only happens on selection.

On deselect it stutters but then navigates normally until you select again.

Just in case it’s relevant I use 3D Spacemouse too.

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Using exactly the same hardware, including space mouse, but parametric version and don’t see any glitches :slight_smile:

On the back of Xdrakosha’s input, I wiped the Mac and have reinstalled the OS, Shapr3D/Spacenouse and still have the same issues.

Maybe that’s mainly because we use different versions. If you curious you can share with me project where you have glitches and I record video with it. Maybe I haven’t run complex enough projects yet.

Thank you. I’ve sent the project to you in a message,

I’ve noticed the lag while sketching now, too.

I created a sample of Shapr3D process if that’s helpful and observe it uses 6.8GB Ram and doesn’t go above 35% of CPU usage during the glitches. Which is the same as normal usage.

Team, I tried the suggestion in the following thread to hide the items list, and it has improved a lot, I still have stutters, but not as bad. Hope that helps to track it down.

Did you try to do that?

Hi Alex,

I have just tried it, and its has improved, but I still get micro stutters here and there. We’re on the right track at least. Thanks.

Thanks for checking! That issue is fixed in the next upcoming release, due in about a week. We’ll do some further testing with a SpaceMouse and including selection and see if we can reproduce the issue. It could also possibly help if you could share your design by sending it to (or let me know if it’s too large and I’ll send you a link to upload to).