Patterned Holes

Hi All,

Just wondering if someone has a good idea of how to quickly put these holes in my steel beams.

I tried two methods on this job.

I sketched the holes on the top face of the beam and then cut the holes with an extrude command.

On another beam I created a pattern of 14mm diameter “rods” which I then used as a tool to cut the holes.

Is there a way to pattern holes or some other option. I have considered making a “Tool” which I import into each job. The distance between each hole is consistent.

Love some input.

Hi Dylan,

Sounds like you have to do this often. You obviously know how to do this a couple different ways.

I like the idea of a tool. Import / Align / Subtract and you’re done. This video aligns the tool to the top of the beam. This will center the holes. If you need to have the holes spaced from one side, then during the align step you’d also need to slide the tool to the end of the beam (it will snap).

I purposely made my tool at a weird angle, but if your projects have the beam in (more or less) the same space, put the tool close and you can save more time. x_t export will keep the location when you import.


Thanks so much, this is what I had in mind, putting the rods on a stick ha ha

Im a carpenter by trade, I love how some of the “jig” making and tooling in modeling is similar to real life.

Im still learning about some of the functionality of the align tool. Thanks for the tip, looks like aligning the tool will center the faces.

I will have a play with sliding the tool for spacing.

Thanks heaps


Sorry forgot to ask, have you set your tool up so you can change spacing with parameters or pattern?

I assume the history from the tool model imports and this could be done?

I was swayed by your description that the distance between each hole is consistent. You certainly could make a tool that is robust with parametric spacing. It would take a bit more work to create than my “quick and dirty” model😅. Before you design your tool, I would suggest writing down design constraints of the holes in the steel beam. Details like, middle hole must (or doesn’t need to be) in the center of the beam; how far from the end of the beam for the first hole; how long is the longest beam; are all the beams the same width…

A big change to my last post: after you have your parametric tool designed, you will want to save it in .shapr format (not .x_t). Then when you import the tool design, the design history is retained.

I typically create an object and then use the subject tool. This cuts down on individually selecting sketches for extrusion. The original body can be kept if it represents a screw or wha ever. For screws with a chamfer or countersunk it’s definitely the way to go. If there aren’t too many holes, I just select and extrude them.

I’ll do this as well, but even if they’re not in a linear or circular pattern, placed in different locations even angles I’ll group them in a folder then select the body and subtract and select the folder. Works in the same fashion.

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