Program crashing constantly as the file is opening

I am having massive file opening issues at the moment. Heaps of my files will not open, shapr just crashes while opening. The files are intensive but they will just not open anymore. I was in the process of breaking the files up but I cannot open them anymore.

What can I do to get into these files so I haven’t lost all my work?

Working on an iPad Pro up to date with up to date shapr.

Please share is the following information with us in a support ticket:

Please note that you can share large files with our Support team as shown here:
Share large cloud files with our support team

We’ll take a look at your case; thank you!

iPad Pro 5th gen - iOS 17.6.1

File cannot be exported as there is no save option, see screen shot. Save as shapr file results in this window with no save or ok button

Also once I get the file, how do I share it with the team without posting it here for the world to access? Is there an email address to send it too?

Hi, can you please click on “Move” and try saving like so?

You’ll be able to upload files smaller than 50MB with the support ticket. Larger files can be shared in the ticket via Google Drive or WeTransfer as shown here.

I am having the same issue! I can’t access my project anymore!

  • Mac OS 14.6.1 (23G93) (but also on iPad)
  • Sharp3d Version 5.692.0 (7363)

I really need to access my file and everytime I click on it the app crashes.

Clicking move closes the window.

Also you have not answered where I share the link to the file that isn’t here? You only tells me how to make a link using a web storage service. That I already know, I would like to know where to put the link that isn’t on here for everyone to see.

You mention ticket, where am I raising a ticket?


It was described a few posts above, there is link:

Sorry I didn’t click on every word in their reply. Found now.

Still can’t export/save a file I can’t open as there is no save option, so still stuck.

Hi, can you please open the support ticket with the information you have available, and we’ll assist you from there. Thank you!
