Recurrently unable to move model around screen

Is there a bug?
I have been having frequent problems trying to rotate the model around the display. I can zoom in/out, I can rotate using the gizmo, but when using the mouse, it works when I first open the file but after working for various amounts of time it stops working.

To get it to work again, I have to save the export the file and continue working. Sometimes it also begins working if I go to the gizmo and click it.

I will assume it’s my mouse that’s the problem, but is anyone else having this issue?

Using latest Shapr3D Pro version on Windows 11.

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Latest Shapr3D Pro on Windows 11 here too. Not sure if it’s the same issue but today my rotating button combinations don’t work on either of my systems.

I’m using a trackball. Normally middle (wheel) button+ball would pan, and right button and ball would rotate. Today both of those combinations function as panning. I never had to press shift on the keyboard to be able to rotate before this. Hope it’s a temporary bug.

I also use a Spacemouse in combination with a wireless mouse for the panning. After I posted, the situation worsened to the point I just had to stop working. I wish it didn’t seem so haphazard, then I could post exactly what I was doing and when it occurs in a more formal way, but that’s just not the case. One minute it works, the next no.
Very very frustrating as this was not happening before the latest update.

Hi simonk565,

Thanks for reporting this issue. Can you please elaborate on some of the details you mentioned regarding this issue?

  • Does restarting the app not solve your problem with camera navigation at all?
  • When you mention the “gizmo” to rotate the camera, do you mean the orientation cube in the top right corner and its arrows?
  • Exporting and reimporting is done in which format? (If not .shapr, does this issue persist if you export and import the project in .shapr format?)

Thanks in advance for your help.

On a side note, please feel free to get in touch with our Customer Support team, so that we can go deeper into investigating your specific case.

I will get back to you; the App was erratic today, yet worked fine all day yesterday, so I 've yet to compose and write down what I was doing.