Spurious statements and missing prompts!

Firstly, I get a permanent pink text box top centre, saying “IPad Pencil may not be connected”. What’s all that about?
Second, all my prompts no longer pop up, e.g. if I select a tool, it no longer prompts the first task, just displays the tick symbol. I can’t always remember the task sequence and so I need the prompt.
Regards Richard.

Hi, the in-app tips videos no longer pops-up. After you select a tool, the tool-tip video will be at the top of the workspace in the tool title pane. Simply tap on the play button to watch the video.

As regards the displayed Apple Pencil prompt, in the updated iPad OS you can disable Bluetooth access for certain apps. Please scroll down to Shapr3d in your device Settings page, tap to open up the options for Shapr3d and check to see that Bluetooth is enabled for the app as shown in the attached screenshot

Thankyou Victor. Switching the Bluetooth back on had solved all problems.

Regards Richard.

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Amazing! You are welcome :slight_smile: