My Custom Text Helper

I’ve never made a drawing related app before but it was not too bad to make an iPad app to make working with text in Shapr3D much easier. Plan to add a font picker and make it a lot more flexible while I await the native Shapr3D support for this feature.

Here is a quick demo of adding text to a Shapr3D drawing from the tool:

You just type in the text you want to add to your drawing and click the “render button”.



Are you making this available??

Great work :+1:t2:

I made it mostly for me. But if folks would find it useful I could put it in AppStore. I will need to brush up on the UI quite a bit in that case. I spent almost all my time on the “plumbing” to make it all work instead of the UI.


Form follows function.
I know others would be interested, as this has been a major request for a long time.
Being able to choose from different fonts and quickly import them would be fantastic!

Found some cool things while playing with fonts. Turns out you can even use the “weird” fonts and import those into Shapr3D.

Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 3.37.48 PM

Here is a video where I’ve improved the drawing and user interface so it is all much better. I am going to take @NathanD’s advice and make this available on iPad.


@Yepher please let us know when you have it available! This is great!


As requested “Text To Drawing” is now available in the AppStore for iPad.

It is a bare-bones tool for the specific purpose of making it easy to get text into Shapr3D for basically the price of buying me a cup of coffee.

US AppStore Link: ‎Text To Drawing on the App Store


You can barely get a Swedish “fika” for 25 crowns, so it’s worth it :+1:t2:


Thanks, really nice 🤌🏻


You’re a gent. Thank you!


Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your coffee :coffee::+1:t3:


@Yepher THANK YOU!

I have a question regarding installed custom font profiles, but otherwise it works great!

Have another cup. This is too cool to NOT have it available — just in case. At the moment, I don’t have much of a use case for any fonts (except for the promised dimensions capability), but this is just too much fun to play around with. I think the ability to instantaneously compare the huge variety of different fonts is worth the price alone.

Very clever, well implemented app. And this is probably overkill, but if you get bored and feel like stretching your programming chops, you might consider adding a search function for the fonts, and perhaps a way to save ‘favorite’ fonts.


@Steve Thanks. Yea, I am actually looking at making the Font selection bit much better. The work is actually a side effect of an issue @NathanD found where some custom fonts don’t currently show up in that list.

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Nice effort! Hope that lots of people purchase…



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I’m starting to think of all kinds of uses for this now. :+1:t2:


I don’t think you’re going to sleep tonight, enjoy

Can’t promise to always turn around changes this fast but the features requested by @Steve and @NathanD have been rolled out.

When using 3rd party fonts I expect there are going to be some that we just can’t render. But I hope those are far and few between.


Custom fonts are working now!

And the new selection menu is much better being able to preview the font style.

Thanks @Yepher :+1:t2:

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I bought the app, worked great on first try. Then I tried to import the full alphabet of symbols. Shapr was still working after 15 minutes so I hit reset to quit. After that shapr was non responsive being hung when I tried to start a new session. With no alternative I deleted shapr and reloaded it. Now my only problem is that many of my design files are gone. Apparently these don’t reside as separate files on my ipad. I found exported stl files but not my designs. It would be nice to have a cancel importing feature if the file is too big for my gen 1 ipad pro to handle.

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