How to slice a box to create a lid and base

I have created a hollow box that will fit my harmonica.
I have the outside sculpted and all I have to do is cut it in half to create two separate pieces.

I have seen a description of cutting a pipe or the microphone but each of those deletes the other side.

I don’t want to remove anything just slice it in half.

Also, I am an absolute beginner so any instructions should please be written as if for a young child and step by step. I get lost in some of the videos when I can’t tell what options they click on before doing something.

You could do something like this:

  1. Duplicate the box
  2. On one copy remove left half of box
  3. On second copy remove right half of box

Something like this:


There are many ways to do various tasks in Shapr3D. @Yepher has shown one method. I too make duplicates of bodies for either doing what he did or having a backup in case I mess up manipulating the first body.

Here’s another way and the use of one of my favorite tools Replace Face. I drew a rectangle on the underside of abitrary width by drawing the first line through the center which is important. After slicing the body into two parts, the use of Replace Face will extend the one surface to the other.


Make your body, draw you divider, select the body & the divide line and duplicate. Extrude and shell top on one copy, bottom on the other.



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It’ll take me a week, but I’ll one-up you! :upside_down_face: :rofl:


@Oregonerd I just wanna see this become THE hinged box thread.




If we can get people to use the search… :sweat_smile:
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