
Hello everyone, I am trying to split a blade for making fiber mould of it but as the blade is curved I am not able to split it using the split command ! I am attaching the 3D model file below for reference.

blade-01 frp.shapr (1.6 MB)

In the olden days of Shapr, we had to draw a split, duplicate the part and loft the split. Before the split tool that is. Splitting a body - #2 by TigerMike

Yes I know it but the blade Is curved so I am not able to cut it in half like the other part ! Even if I draw the sketch and try to extrude cut it , the command will cut it in a straight path !

Then you will need to get creative and make the 2 bodies that will allow you to make the cut you want. Which will also serve as a mold or a negative of the mold?

You are in the “Tool and Die makers” realm now. I worked with one. I designed and built the electrical automation for the “Little Titan” titanium injection mold machine prototype working for him. Ancient fellow. Awesome experience. He knew his stuff and had plenty of tales about idiot engineers: on paper vs reality. :joy:

If you can loft the highlighted crossections, you can split with subtract.
Would be nice use the trailing edge as rail.

shapr3d_export_2024-06-30_18h38m.shapr (1.7 MB)

I believe you can use a curved edge with Split Body. Create a dummy curved body that is positioned next to and where you’d like the split. Do the split and delete the dummy body.

(And thanks @Oregonerd for going down memory lane.)

Hi Mike!

The problem with this body, that is twisted and bended…
For this reason, I think that every profile should have a section, to create a twisted surface body for subtraction.

Yes, this is a complex surface to split.
I was showing that in addition to splitting via a flat plane or surface, one could do the split via a curved surface. And yes, it doesn’t work on a complex surface.